Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What matters where...

I wake up this morning to the sounds of the Urban Roosters at 6am, Urban roosters being the neighbors barking pitbulls... But I digress, at least she waited until 6am and allowed me a nights sleep. While getting ready for work I hear the scanner, "County, open a call for a vehicle stop at Avalone Country Club area for loud music"...WHAT WHAT WHAT are they kidding me?!? I guess what matters is where you are in Sharon for the police to care about noise. Vehicles drive by and park in front of my home with stereos so loud that my windows vibrate, VMMM VMMM VMMM is all you hear in the house. I have tried calling the police before and was told there was no noise ordinance regarding vehicle noise...Bullsh*t. I looked and there is a PA state-wide ordinance regardless of what town your in and I let the PD know that. I don't want them to think they are dealing with a compliant drone who takes everything they say as golden. It appears to me that Stambaugh Avenue is the cut off line for what matters, anything below Stambaugh and your basically screwed. I'm thinking maybe they should wall off that section of town, after I move out of course, and do like they did on the movie escape from New York. Your on your own because what matters is where you are not what the laws are from what Sharon PD and Gov't offices has shown.

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